Member-only story
Wanderers: a 7 Billion Planet Solar System
Mother Earth is a planet that seems unique, yet speculation abounds concerning the infinite possibilities that other planets similar to Earth exist in other solar systems composed of billions of stars in unknown galaxies.
We do not need to go that far to know these speculations hold true. Well, in a metaphorical way, at least, which means the concept won’t be perfect, but similar enough to help us think about our species, humanity, homo sapiens, and our existence as individuals upon this planet, Earth. The metaphor? We are each a planet unto ourselves, and we relate to one another within our own orbits, each of us possessing planetary characteristics.
The etymology of the word planet contains the most basic characteristic. From the Greek planētēs, planet means one who wanders. Planets wander, as do we. Planets possess certain physical characteristics and wander in a relatively defined path, along with other defining characteristics.
Humans have basic characteristics of Ego and Heart that are akin to operating systems, ones that allow us to function as mortals. Ego works to help us maintain survival functions; it alerts us to basic needs. It’s our default system that begins operating at birth, telling us when we are hungry or uncomfortable or hurting, and we process and filter that information and cry to have survival…