Resurrection Energy: We’ve Got It!
This is the day when christians remember the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. The day is tied closely to Passover, remembered by the Jews. Both are times of celebration.
Both celebrations involve life emerging from death. The firstborn of all those who didn’t sacrifice the Passover lamb died in the land of Egypt. The Israelites fled death to head toward their new Promise Land — big detour involved. Of course, Jesus left the grave after suffering death. Both stories feature life emerging from death.
Today is a great day to pause and not only celebrate whatever we choose to remember but also to exercise and access the resurrection energy that is within each of us — regardless of choices of faith or religion.
When Jesus arose from the grave, a number of results ensued, miracles from a miracle. We are miracles, each of us, and we can produce them. If you would say we are poor sinners, I would say to wake up. Jesus himself said his followers had the ability to do greater miracles than he did.
Think about it, though. Women at the grave who went to mourn left with awe and praise and a new message. Close followers who doubted received confirmation of their faith. Some received special knowledge and peace (the road to Emmaus and following time). Others had their minds and souls enlightened. On Pentecost, the Spirit was manifested in a public and miraculous way, and many acquired new gifts and abilities.
This is not an exegesis, so here is my point. Think of that dead-feeling something somewhere deep within a grave-cave of the soul. Identify it. Get it clear. Now, appropriate resurrection energy from your own eternal Heart, that place and piece of Spirit within each of us that we came here to live, our highest, true Self.
With that knowledge and energy, breathe in strongly, taking that Spirit-breath all the way into the grave of some disappointment, death, fear, doubt, lack of self-confidence — whatever of a thousand things it could be for you. Boom! Let resurrection Spirit hit that grave and breathe out hard. Breathe out and into life.
What do you have to celebrate now?!