Member-only story
Redefine Humanity. Simply Say “Good Morning!”
The next segment of Dr. Angelou’s poem names peoples who have been awakened and impassioned; at least some of them are prepared to hear the plain speech of the rock, river, and tree. The tree understands that all need the messages of Nature.
The groups mentioned here have experienced the throes of bigotry, prejudice, and destruction wrought by those who work in ego energy, those who plug their ears to the cry of the rock and fail to see the how they pollute the river with warlike attitudes; they refuse peace. How to respond to such a heavy history is the message of the tree; it leaves little to imagination or interpretation.
The twenty types of people, mentioned in the transition from the River to the Tree, seem to represent, perhaps, the most significant aspects of humanity. They arise from the litter of nationalism that hates and rejects those unlike themselves, nativistic thinkers who produce the detritus on the shores of the River as they inhumanely degrade and seek to destroy the Other.
The list of the Others includes the following categorizations of people: ethnicities, nationalities, religions, socioeconomic statuses, sexual orientations, and careers — a fairly broad spectrum of humanity. The agreement of this swath of humanity that harmonizes with the singing river and hears the plain, unvarnished truth of…