(Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash)

Member-only story

Re-vision of Red Leaf

Michael DePung


One red leaf waves at me, floating in clouds of green,

Photosynthesis continues for those clouds, chlorophyll

Revealing depths of life — complex process in the plant but

Simple observation for us.

Red leaf, though, shows all the beauty produced through

The year; abscission progresses, an apparent end of

Usefulness for energy, production of oxygen.

Red leaf, cling not tightly there in your place of

Former production; Rest not, pause not, nor

Make an end there, “as though to breathe were life.”

So much more — Release. Abandon

Yourself to beauty, to the

Sea of winds, to Spirit sails.

Perhaps that little girl down

The block will see

You waving as you swirl past and wave back.

She will giggle with delight, chat with

You, maybe pick you up, display

You, trace your outline before

You take flight again from the picnic table in her yard,

Having become part of her,

Having been part of tree, now

Sailing onward, neither

Yielding nor drying between pages of the girl’s princess coloring book.

Seek new glory

Floating, flashing, shining.

Leaving the tree frees us to greater joys.



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