(Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash)

Member-only story

Autumn Morning Alchemy

Michael DePung


Poking their seedling heads through the crust of my page,

Crow, Leaves, Wind, Hawk, and lone Cricket

Stories form

Visions and magic as the

Blanket of cumulus clouds shake their

Energy down in misty Pointillist spheres, each with

Magic, each with

Blessing, each with

Message, to be discerned, distilled, decoded on whatever

Surface they paint,

Images forming, Truth creating.


Laughing and dancing with you Leaves, sharing in your

Antics, cascades from Oak to mock modern human

Attempts to eradicate all

Evidence of the natural process. Control all, mold

All to tidy expectations of fairy

Tales of trees with leaves that don’t fall;

They must not interfere with the

Order most

Humans think best for life.

Leaves won’t allow false narratives.




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