Yep, that’s me looking at myself, much as I did on that evening of awakening!

Discovering Heart-Self: Awakening — an Epiphany and a Process

Michael DePung
2 min readMay 10, 2019


(This continues yesterday’s post, a revised excerpt from my book Superhero You! Discover Self. Create Purpose. available on Amazon)

We deep down long to establish a complete connection with that eternal, spiritual component of Self. However, since we come equipped with Ego, there is this struggle. The struggle is necessary for discovery, because the struggle between Ego and Heart to be our primary operating system produces exploration.

Ego doesn’t like challenge or change; therefore, when we engage in the adventures of life, we know that we operate in Heart-love. We are working to reveal our core Self and personal truth. This is the quest for the Superhero within, for Superheroes discover their true identity. Such discovery requires exploration; it’s not simply having an inherent knowledge of that identity, like we know we’re human. We are driven by that little voice within to search.

For me, I looked in a mirror into my own eyes and knew: “I see You there. This is the real me, isn’t it?” And a distinct voice from somewhere within my mind-soul answered, “Yes, it’s Me. It’s You.” The Superhero.

We hear Heart, and we heed it, because it is our true Self. We sense Heart there, “see” it, and respond. I knew who and what I was heeding and responding to was not Ego, not some self-centered energy living to be noticed and exalted or self-deprecated and downtrodden or anything in-between. Ego influences me to think of how others would perceive me and respond to me. I wasn’t responding to egoic self or to some religious standard. I was responding to Heart, eternal Spirit of all, within this creature of Me.

We have divinity in us, the Spirit of Creator and Love; therefore, we have the question and answer: Who am I? I am, I exist eternally as the energy of all that Spirit is. This instantaneous realization is an epiphany, an epiphany that at core Self we are Spirit, pure energy, true Superhero. And in my case, I experience Spirit-life in the body-mind-soul complex of Michael DePung.

This created life is based on energy, vibrational frequencies that compose the tiniest particles of which we can theorize, and moving from Ego to Heart raises those frequencies. That change fills the void created by operating primarily in the lower Ego frequencies, and we can sense the change in our mind-soul-body complex, our complete being.

We feel good, happy, comfortable in our own skin. This aspect of awakening is also a process of growth in understanding, and it is beyond the epiphany of that initial realization.

(To be Continued…)



Michael DePung
Michael DePung

Written by Michael DePung

Explore. Discover. Collect. Connect. Create. Love. I write these things to experience and express Spirit here. How do you do Life? Contact:

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