Member-only story
Defeat Apathy. Improve Society.
(A model and an encouragement to do something small for a huge purpose.)
Most people want to affect the world for good, yet through apathy, many of us do nothing to make it happen. Apathy is based on believing that either we or our efforts will not make a difference. Knowing self and living the purpose we create and pursue alleviates apathy.
When we push through apathy, small actions may make a massive difference. Something as simple as reading an article or book, interpreting and applying it for yourself, and taking any action based on new, personalized insights produces some of the good we wish to see in the world.
With that in mind, I offer the second full chapter of my upcoming book, Superhero You! and Society. It is simultaneously something for you to engage with and a model of how I did the same with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, work. It’s long for a post here, I know; however, I believe it will resonate with some readers and evoke action from others.
Chapter 2 — The Rationale and Justification for the Work of Justice
As I continue reading Dr. King’s letter, I am reminded of something Walt Whitman wrote about readers and writers: “Not the book needs so much to be the complete thing, but the reader of the book does” (Whitman 500–501)…