Member-only story
Arts, Society, and Awakening
This haiku wouldn’t leave me alone in the middle of the night. I tried to ditch it; really, I did. I’m not partial to formal poetic structures, but sometimes the words demand them.
The current state of affairs not only in this nation but also around the world call for raising awareness and infusing love and light into that awareness. Love and light recognize that we are one, we are spirit, and we are equal as human beings. Oppression is not an option if we know truth.
Superiority, war, nationalism — none of this contains higher frequencies of love and light. Nor does the dictatorial, anti-American stances the Republican administration has been taking — far too much to go into for a haiku.
The past cannot be ignored because the energies of the past run throughout today.
Storms produced by the past energies produce different colors at different times.
Natural Consequences
Red, Black, Brown-fisted
Clouds clenched fire five hundred years.
Loosed, Freedom thunders.