A Poem of Celebration and Reflection
This poem is dedicated to Dr. John M. Ramsay, whose life’s work has inspired many and continues to do so.
Winter Solstice and Yule Log Embers — a Reverie
The year’s fire has burned itself down, the yule log’s
bright, elusive vigorous flames now
small tongues above a
glowing carpet of red, orange, and black, which some ignore like a dirty rug.
Those who ignore the embers only wish for the leaping
display of the flames. They neither value nor discern the
energy and power of those glowing remnants.
Dark and Light hold equal worth.
Embers remain, the heartiest parts not yet reduced to ash. Radiant
clumps hold the promise of new
fires, revitalized energies — if nurtured with fresh
kindling and the breath of
Be kind to Self, you Embers, for your darker radiance speaks of
fires empowered by you and
fires yet to jump from you. Your even
heat creates a bed of softer
light — promises lived and yet to be known. I see in
you the richness of relationships, careers, laughter, fun, disappointments, and
challenges, all to be discerned by any who know the
seasons and energies of life and the rich interdependence they reveal.